So maybe I'm crazy, but things that are "different" interest me. Things that, when mentioned, make people scrunch up their faces and look at you like you're crazy just for knowing it exists. Even crazier, I love researching things. Nerd status, I know. My latest wacky, self-assigned research project is this: Dolphin Midwives. Let that sink in... Picture it in your mind... Dwell on it a bit... Feel free to scrunch up your face and look at me like I'm crazy... Done? Good, let's dive in. First, we dissect the idea: 1) Water birth is not an uncommon idea, and has been around for quite some time. It makes sense, and isn't something I question. 2) I love dolphins. A lot. How could you not? Dolphin therapy is something that, though I have been aware of it, I never put a lot of thought into. I always just put it next to equine therapy in my mind and left it at that. It's a controversial idea (isn't everything?) that hasn't really had any long term success recorded. There is no denying that dolphins make people happy. They are right up there with cuddly puppies, bunny rabbits, and babies. They just make you smile and, in small doses, are remarkably relaxing. Also, dolphins have shown a tendency to be drawn to pregnant women over other humans. No one really knows why, but it's been recorded on several occasions. Now put the two together. Water birth + dolphin therapy. One thing that we know works, and another that is still up in the air, but looking like it'll land in the Pessimistic Ocean. Plus, we have to think about the effects that salt water could have on mom and baby, if any. The possibilities of infection from water that hasn't been treated or from the animal itself. And we must remember that though they do seem to love people, especially pregnant women, dolphins are still, and always will be, wild animals. Dolphin Midwifery is a hard thing to research, when Googling it, I just came across blog after blog of some pretty hardcore hippies. Then I found this article from Seattle Times about gynecologist Dr. Gowri Motha. You may have read her books The Gentle Birthing Method, or The Gentle First Year. In the article she is quoted as follows: "We hope to make these children more in tune with nature, more in tune with the environment and able to communicate with other mammals who are as intelligent as we are." Dr. Gowri Motha said. The intent, she said, is to make birth "a joyous event rather than a technological event." I totally agree with having a goal of making birth being a joyous event. I think it should be, I wouldn't be here otherwise, I'm just not sure if this is the way to go about it. And let's be honest, do you really want your baby coming out speaking dolphin? Research and data haven't proven anything to me that make me say this is the way to go. Is it a cool idea? Absolutely. I would love to be able to tell my future kids that they were born with dolphins, but I think it'd be more worthwhile to take them swimming with the dolphins once they are old enough. (Hint, hint, Mom and Dad) Conclusion: You are absolutely right to scrunch up your face at the idea. It is face scrunching worthy. I do wish the research had proven positive, but I think we would be hearing about it a lot more often if the idea had proven of any worth. It also goes to show that research is good. The trends come and go, but the facts will stand true forever Feel free to watch the video that brought up the idea in the first place: ~ Emily Bull
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January 2017