Around 6:30 this morning, I had a mama text me to say she'd just woken up with contractions. They were 2-3 minutes apart and lasting about 30 seconds, but she could still talk through the contractions, hadn't gotten out of bed yet, and wasn't sure if they would stick around. Once she got up and moving, the contractions were 4-5 minutes apart, lasting 45 seconds and getting stronger. We decided it was time to head to the hospital, but we both had to wait for our babysitters to arrive.
At 8:33, as I was pulling into the hospital parking garage, the husband called me to say they were in triage. I said I'd be up there in a few minutes. I went into the hospital, called up to the floor, and the nurse sort of chuckled at me and said, "Yeah, she's delivering." In my head I though, "Well, yes, that is why we are here!" I got up to the floor and they said, "She's down in triage. You can go down there if you want." I walked down the hall, peeked in the door and thought, "I must have the wrong room, there's a baby in the warmer." I checked the room number. It said, "TRIAGE," peeked in again...still a baby in the warmer. Checked the door...Yes, it still says, "TRIAGE." What?!?? Yes, oh yes! Mama had her baby about 4 minutes after walking into triage! Neither the doctor nor the doula were even in the building! But the nurse had an awesome morning and got to catch a baby. :) Mommy and Daddy and baby are doing great. Maybe a bit surprised, but loving being together. Congratulations to all of you and big sister, too! You guys ROCK and you are awesome! What a fun birth story your baby has. Thanks for letting me be there! ~Rebekah
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January 2017